Monday, January 31, 2011

What makes you come alive

I've been pondering the same thought for a few weeks now, I haven't come to any conclusions, but thought I would share. One of my friends has the following quote in her automatic email signature;

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." -Howard Thurman

Cool. Ok, so that is inspiring, but what the heck are you supposed to do with that information? When I first read it I immediately was excited.  We are supposed to be living in the NOW, seizing the moment, living to our fullest potential, helping humanity and the world; all while creating a substantial enough income to live and play as desired. 

So, what makes me come alive? The shocking part when I thought about this was it took a bit of thinking and I still don't know if I am fully satisfied with my answer. Hmm, so now what?  Darn. So have decided a laundry list of rambling items would suffice for now, to get my thoughts flowing. The following things make me feel truly alive
  • exercise, my own and leading group exercise
  • being in nature, hiking, skiing, walking, running
  • helping others
  • appreciating things I see and smiling
  • chocolate
  • learning new things about fitness & health
  • working on projects
  • eating (eating while traveling!)
  • being organized
Cool, so I can help others exercise and I can eat and travel for my occupation.......


Excellent... I just have to figure out how to do that.

That is where my thoughts get jumbled. How do I transform what makes me come alive into a tangible career. I do think it is possible. Not sure where to go from here, but I am enjoying my current job and it is introducing me to all sorts of other people and professions. I guess the answer for now is keep researching and exploring until life leads me somewhere...


That's all I've got. Sorry, no answers today. 

It was a beautiful sunny day in Seattle here. Lots to love and appreciate here. =)

1 comment:

  1. Katie: "I don't know what to do with my life!"
    Cassie: "Do we have to decide already?"

    I think the quote went something like that, and although at the moment it was extremely funny, I think about that talk often and still come to this conclusion: I still don't have to decide. I have decided a direction/path but the path is allowed to curve and bend. Therefore: still no complete 100% decision.

    On the other hand, for your decision I think you should travel and eat to see what makes you happy even more. I shall join you on both adventures!

